Python Heroku Configure Procfile Gunicorn + Gevent For Chat App | Runtimeerror: You Need To Use The Gevent-websocket Server
I have a working chat app on localhost, but it does not work on heroku (Question from yesterday). After some research I think the problem is how I start the app. Procfile currentl
Solution 1:
The error is correct, you need to use the gevent-websocket webserver and not the native gevent web server that comes with gunicorn.
It seems you are searching for answers all over the place. I would suggest that you use the Flask-SocketIO documentation as the ultimate source of truth, as I keep that updated.
For this specific case, the Gunicorn section of the documentation shows you how you need to start your server:
gunicorn -k geventwebsocket.gunicorn.workers.GeventWebSocketWorker -w 1module:app
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