How To Avoid Step Into Built-in Functions When Debugging In Pycharm?
Solution 1:
It's possible to stop the debugger from stepping into library functions when you press Step intoF7 bu going to File
Build, Execution, Deployment
and checking the option Do not step into library scripts
(One alternative could also be using Step into my codeAlt + Shift + F7).
As shown in the screenshot.
The following is a code example using only standard library that can be copied for testing
import os
my_str = str(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), str(my_function())))
This screenshot shows using Step into
F7 having Do not step into library scripts
unchecked and Always do smart step into
Notice the 3 setting options are interconnected, if you choose Do not step into library scripts
together with Always do smart step into
the IDE will still give you a choice to step into the library function. If you uncheck the later option the above example will automatically step into your function.
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