Resource Not Releasing In Simpy - What Am I Doing Wrong?
Solution 1:
I believe the problem comes about because the release refers to a specific request, but the request has by then already be over-written by a new request. resource_req is the request, but before it can be released, it is overwritten by a new resource_req. I believe that when you try to release this new request it does not release it properly, because it's not a release that is being handled by the resource (it's the new one).
I don't know what the solution is. I came across this post trying to find it, because I'm having the same problem myself. One obvious possibility (which I haven't tried yet) is to create a list of requests, and keep track of them, but this seems like a silly solution. There must be a way to simply free up the resource (which is the behaviour that is desired). I'll try to post back if I figure it out!
Here's a minimal working example:
import simpy
self.machine = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=1)
self.load_proc = env.process(self.load(env))
"Load machine 1 when it's empty"whileTrue:
self.req = self.machine.request()
print("Waiting for machine at %d"
yield self.req
print("Load machine at %d"
self.process_proc = env.process(self.process(env))
"Machine does process and is then emptied"print("Machine starts process at %d"
yield env.timeout(10)
print("Machine finished process at %d"
print("Machine released at %d"
env = simpy.Environment()
M1 = Machine(env)
Here there is a machine that continually tries to load, but waits for it to be empty. Once it's loaded, it tries to run a 10 second process and then releases the Resource to allow it to be loaded again. In 100 time-steps it should obviously be able to make 10 batches, but only the first one is done.
Waiting for machine at 0
Load machine at 0
Waiting for machine at 0
Machine starts process at 0
Machine finished process at 10
Machine released at 10
It seems that the release does not work, because it is referring to the second request. Diagnosing this makes it possible to find a workaround, but it would be nice to know the right way to do it!
One possible solution is to just release a current user rather than a specific request:
import simpy
self.machine = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=1)
self.load_proc = env.process(self.load(env))
"Load machine 1 when it's empty"whileTrue:
print("Waiting for machine at %d"
yield self.machine.request()
print("Load machine at %d"
self.process_proc = env.process(self.process(env))
"Machine does process and is then emptied"print("Machine starts process at %d"
yield env.timeout(10)
print("Machine finished process at %d"
iflen(self.machine.users)>=1: self.machine.release(self.machine.users[0])
print("Machine released at %d"
env = simpy.Environment()
M1 = Machine(env)
This behaves as expected, and has the advantage that you don't need a variable for the request. The release of
is probably sufficient, unless you're at risk of releasing something that hasn't been requested already.
Update based on Stefan Scherfke's comment, is to pass the req explicitly to the new process:
import simpy
self.machine = simpy.Resource(env,capacity=1)
self.load_proc = env.process(self.load(env))
"Load machine 1 when it's empty"whileTrue:
print("Waiting for machine at %d"
req = self.machine.request()
yield req
print("Load machine at %d"
self.process_proc = env.process(self.process(env,req))
"Machine does process and is then emptied"print("Machine starts process at %d"
yield env.timeout(10)
print("Machine finished process at %d"
print("Machine released at %d"
env = simpy.Environment()
M1 = Machine(env)
This does indeed work as expected.
Solution 2:
Solved - there was a typo in the resource.
Originally defined as:
resource = simpy.Resource(env, 1)
Correct definition:
resource = simpy.Resource(env, capacity = 1)
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