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Why Does My Code Only Write The Last Line?

I'm writing a list to file but it only writes the last line. Here is my code. I'm on Python 2.7. server=os.listdir('.') #contents of the current directory for files in server:

Solution 1:

Here is a tidier way of approaching the problem:

import os

LINK = '  <a href="{href}">{txt}</a>'

TEMPLATE = """<html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="{stylesheet}"/>
    dirs = [fname for fname in os.listdir(".") if os.path.isdir(fname)]
    dirs.sort()   # in alphabetical order

    content = "\n".join(LINK.format(href=os.path.abspath(dirname), txt=dirname) for dirname in dirs)

    withopen("index.html", "w") as outf:
        fields = {
            "title":      "My Directory List",
            "stylesheet": "css/normalize.css",
            "content":    content

if __name__=="__main__":

Solution 2:

Your call to f.close() is inside the for. Should be outside

Solution 3:

Whenever you do open('path/to/file',"w") it blanks the file before writing to it. This is called "write mode" and more info can be found in the docs. Instead, open the file in "append mode" ('a'), like this:

elif os.path.isdir(files): # == True is redundant here
    print public_html
    f = open('index.html','a')

In addition, you're trying to close your file object in every iteration through your public_html list! This won't work, and will probably throw exceptions when you try to call write on a closed object. Dedent that once so it's after your loop

for folder in public_html:
    print folder
    f.write("<a>" + folder + "<a/>" + "\n")

THAT BEING SAID, I think you're mostly going about this the wrong way...

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #

directories = [dir_ for dir_ in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(dir_)]
soup = BeautifulSoup("<html>\n<head>\n<meta charset='utf-8'>\n<title></title>\n<link rel='stylesheet' href='css/normalize.css'>\n<script src=''></script></head>\n<body>")

for directory in directories:
    tag = soup.new_tag('a') # can do ('a', href='link/path')
    tag.string = directory
with open('index.html','w') as index:

This is more useful because you can more-easily control the contents of the HTML, including throwing href on those <a>s!

Solution 4:

this his the code i end up doing from the answers posted above also this version his ported to python 3.4 might be usefull to someone.

LINK = '<liclass="{webapp_name}"><h2>{webapp_name}</h2><ahref="{href}{webapp_name}/"><imgsrc="./assets/images/text-html.png"></img></a></li>'

TEMPLATE = """{document}
<html><head><metacharset="utf-8"><width></width><height></height><title>My Web Apps</title><linkrel="stylesheet"href="{stylesheet}"/></head><body><ulclass="websites">
def create_html():
   wrkDir = os.getenv('HOME') + ("/Documents/Workspace")
   directory = [folder for folder in os.listdir(wrkDir) if os.path.isdir(wrkDir)]
   directory.sort()   # in alphabetical order
   server_links = "\n".join(LINK.format(href='http://localhost/', webapp_name=directory_name)

 for directory_name in directory)
     with open("index.html", "w") as index:
         fields = {
        "document":    "<!DOCTYPE html>",
        "stylesheet": "assets/style.css",
        "content":    server_links
     soup = BeautifulSoup(TEMPLATE.format(**fields))

if __name__=="__main__":

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