Google Cloud Storage: Mismatch In Crc32c & Md5 While Upload String To Gcs
While trying to upload the JSON string and overwrite the existing object in the GCS bucket, getting the below error. google.api_core.exceptions.BadRequest: 400 POST https://storage
Solution 1:
To replicate the error you have encountered:
import json
from import storage
client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket('some-bucket')
# blob1 object
blob1 = bucket.get_blob('file.json')
# downloads content
blob1_string = blob1.download_as_string()
# converts to dict and update content
blob1_obj = json.loads(blob1_string)
blob1_obj['some-key'] = 'some value'# upload using same blob instance
# throws error like this `Provided MD5 hash "Ax9olGoqOSb7Nay2LNkCSQ==\" #doesn't match calculated MD5 hash \"XCMPR0o7NdgmI5zN1fMm6Q==\".",
You're probably using the same blob to download and upload contents. To prevent this error you need to create two instances of blob:
import json
from import storage
client = storage.Client()
bucket = client.get_bucket("some-bucket")
# blob1 object -- for downloading contents
blob1 = bucket.get_blob('file.json')
blob1_string = blob1.download_as_string()
# Convert to dictionary
blob1_obj = json.loads(blob1_string)
# Add stuff
blob1_obj['some-key'] = 'some value'# blob2 object -- for uploading contents
blob2 = bucket.get_blob('file.json')
# no error
Solution 2:
Just in case if anybody needs this 9 month later. Using of two different blobs is not you typically want. Very often you have to do many reads and writes in both directions. So I would strictly discourage using this approach. You need just to refresh the CRC32 checksum explicitly by calling "reload()":
storage_client = storage.Client()
bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)
config_blob = bucket.get_blob(destination_blob_name)
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