Unboundlocalerror: Local Variable 'prod_available' Referenced Before Assignment
Solution 1:
Sometimes you loop is not entered, so prod_Available
is not created, but you try to reference it.
Before the loop put prod_Available = 0
prod = Product.objects.get(id=product_id)
prod_Available = 0 # !
for x in range(start_date,end_date + 1):
x = x - start_date
delta = datetime.timedelta(days=x)
all_date = check_in + delta
sumOfQuantity = HotelCheck.objects.filter(date_booked=all_date, product=prod).aggregate(Sum('quantity'))['quantity__sum']
if sumOfQuantity == None:
sumOfQuantity = 0
prod_Available = prod.quantity - sumOfQuantity
#global prod_Available
if prod_Available <= 0:
status = 0
status = 1
return status
Solution 2:
Just initialize prod_Available
to Zero
before the following for statement
for x in range(start_date,end_date + 1):
It so happens that because you are assigning value to prod_Available
inside the loop, there is a possibility that the variable is never assigned and the following if
statement would fail.
if prod_Available <= 0:
Instead, doing
prod_Available =0 #Initialize outside loop
for x in range(start_date,end_date + 1):
would resolve your issue
Solution 3:
You are getting different behaviours due to passing in different values.
For the first call, you are passing check_in='2011-12-15'
and check_out='2011-12-10'
and for the second, you have checkin='2011-12-10'
, and checkout='2011-12-15'
. I.e, the check in and check out values are swapped.
This means that the for x in range(start_date,end_date + 1):
loop will never get executed, thus never setting prod_Available
There are two obvious fixes here:
Improve parameter validation, and report an error if the check out date is before the check in date.
to zero before you start the loop. This will ensure that it is always set, even if the loop does not execute.
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